Name: My name is Newt Murdock - I am married - but my wife took our 3 kids and ran away. We haven't been able to find her and it's been almost a year.
Select your age bracket: I am 35.

Profession: Vice President of my father's company. I will one day take it over - but I need to find my kids before that can happen. Damn will. I was supposed to play pro-ball but my wife was't using birth control and parents held my inheritance over my head if I didn't give that up and marry her to protect the company. Damn will.
How many pen pals are you interested in acquiring? One. Only because I have to.
What qualities do you seek in a pen pal? I just need someone that will write back so I can show my therapist that I am doing the stupid crap they are making me do. And not some do-gooder. Someone that likes to have fun.
Do you have a desire to meet your pen pal face-to-face? Didn't know that was possible when my therapist made me do this. I have been alone for almost a year. I could use some female companionship or another dude to go clubbing with. So yeah, might be fun!
Please describe, in as much detail as possible, your reason for wanting to join the pen pal project: My therapist decided that if I write my feelings in letters to other people and respond to their letters that I can let go of some of my anger. That's a bunch of crap...but I have no choice. My Dad is going to cut me off if I don't do this stupid stuff.
Nice guy LOL but for those of us who've read your story, we know what Newt is like. I haven't ready any of his and Norm's correspondences yet but I'm intrigued. Newt is clearly reluctant to participate and is only doing it because he's forced into it, so it'll be interesting to see what (if anything) he takes away from the experience.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you read the story first...I think Norman is actually starting to make him take a long hard look at his life. Newt is a very charming man but has lead a life full of entitlement which is partially what led to his abuse. Not saying everyone who is "entitled" becomes an abuser - obviously they don't. Unfortunately he did. But nobody knows. A very well hidden secret. I don't know yet if he will ever confess to Norman. That has to be hard thing to do. But as these letters continue, he might in a round about way.
ReplyDeleteOh, a therapist. It will be interesting to see how it's going for Newt.
ReplyDeleteNewt had a wild ride...