Norman's Letter to Newt

It was so good to hear from you especially after finding out that Kaitlin was your sister's friend. I guess you did need time to process. That was a bomb for sure. I am glad you are okay now and no need to apologize. It's totally in the past. It's just Karma I suppose. Jasper would probably know all about that. Haha!
And you have such good news! Congratulations. I'm glad you didn't chicken out and me getting married planted the idea in Ira's head!
Ira and Aari couldn't have a better man to love and care for them. I think you totally played it right asking Aari first. And how good that must have made you feel for her to casually say she already thinks of you as her papa. I'm getting there too with Maddy, thanks to Janet.

Even though I said bad things about Leroy, he really is a nice guy. Scary looking as hell, muscles on muscles, but a genuinely nice guy. He has been working non-stop on the bar. I can see why he and Reid were friends. I think they are resolving their differences now.
And guess who else is now married? Yours truly. Yep! We flew Janet's parents in from Ireland six months ago. We had an outdoor ceremony in a park here in Twinbrook and said ‘I do.’
Reid and Shea came too.

Twinbrook is full of old historic homes unlike Roaring Heights. We bought one and Janet is all about restoring it instead of making it all shiny and new. Who knew? I think we are going to hire Leroy for the remodel. He did great on the bar.
Ben is living with us one week and then Kaitlin the next. He’s a good kid but I do worry about him.
He wants to do things I don’t know how to do like play these complicated video games. I mean, back when I was a kid it was just Pac Man. He also loves to fish. But Fishing? I have no idea where to start.
Give me a football or baseball and I am in my element. I have so much excess energy to work off it's hard for me to be still long enough to play games or fish. I need to work up a sweat.
I tried to get Ben involved in those sports but when I suggested it he balked and said he sucked at Baseball and Football. I asked him why he thought he was so bad and he said he can’t catch - or throw. He always winds up breaking windows and getting in trouble. Not sure what that was about. I guess we will have to work on it.

He will often beg for Reid to join us and I am more than happy to invite him. He knows how to deal with Ben for some reason. I don’t know why, but they just connected. I guess that's good because right now he doesn't seem to have many friends in school. Hopefully that will change in high school.
Maddy is different than Ben. I think she rejected me that day at Kaitlin’s only because she was sick and of course, I was a stranger. Janet said sick kids get clingy. She was shy when she first starting coming over with Ben, but Janet charmed her. Now they are great buddies.
Maddy doesn’t cling to Kaitlin anymore when she drops her off and runs into my arms. I love that little girl to pieces. Bedtime is my favorite time with her. She likes to cuddle and I tell her stories.
We have fun at the park too. It's good for me because she keeps me running. The last time we went, we were both worn out when we got back. I sat down in the bedroom to read to her and we both fell asleep. Janet took a picture of us, me with my mouth wide open and drooling. Then she picked up Maddy and put her in her own bed. It's one of my favorite pictures.
Janet has been hinting that she wants to have a baby. A baby! It sort of came out of nowhere. At first I was pretty sure I didn't want another kid. But she did. And she wants to have it with me. Do you know what that says about how much she trusts me?
Janet never brought it up before, probably for good reason. Sadly, that was one of the things that I never even thought about. I had kids so I was good. I hadn’t considered that marriage to her also meant starting our own family. She said after seeing how I was with Maddy and Ben, that she felt like the time was right for us to be full time parents. She looked sad when she mentioned the clock was ticking. I don't think she wanted to pressure me, but she's right.
So Norman. Once again. Thank you. If you ever get to Twinbrook, drinks are on me. The bar should be open in a couple of weeks.
Sorry for the long letter, so much has happened and it is all good. You were right, both of us were in a bad places when we first started corresponding. Now our lives seem to be on the right track.
I can see finally see a bright future for me full of love. And really, I’m no hero man. You are.
I gotta run now. I think Janet wants to start on that baby making.
Your friend always.
Finally Normal Newt
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